Saturday, November 3, 2012

Deep thoughts -The feeling of being tired-

Hi all!!!! Sorry for not updating this blog for a while.Have been busy with loads of stuff.
How are all of you guys?Have you ever feel like starching your eyes out of their sockets?

Washing your face with ice cold water that it hits your nerves so badly?.Well thats whats it feels like being tired.Coffee?Sugar?Any ideas of what can keep one a wake?Imagine that someone doesn't like to drink any form of coffee I wonder how they keep a wake?

I really don't understand how some people work a twelve hour shift?Including to those who work night shifts.They must drink a ton of black strong coffee with loads of sugar.It must give them such a buzz then everything it would go crashing,then another cycle of more black strong coffee and loads of sugar again.

But there some who try to eat to keep a wake,won't that make you fatter than keeping you a wake?I wonder whats the perfect food or drink to keep awake?  

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